I then changed it halfway through the year and it looked like this:
While I think it LOOKED nice, it just wasn't functional. I had a piece of paper stapled in each file folder where there was room to write in the word. It was definitely easier since I didn't have to type, print, and laminate the words anymore, but they weren't visible to the kids so they didn't utilize it! Fail.
So last year I decided I wanted something that was super easy to update, visible, and appealing. Enter the whiteboard word wall!
This worked out great!! I had a little bucket of dry erase markers next to the board and when a new vocabulary word was introduced, either the kids or myself went and added the word.
Now if you don't have an actual whiteboard, not a problem! I went and got a big piece of white panel board from Home Depot and it works just like a whiteboard!! Got the idea from the blog Ladybug's Teacher Files. Our janitor was nice enough to mount it to the wall for me :). The round alphabet signs are from that same blog- you can find them here. I just printed them on lime green paper so the letter and boarder will show up in that color.
Do you all have a word wall? If so, how do you set it up??
No wonder why you receive countless of feedbacks. ReMARKable